Module 6: Social Norms and Food Choices Kara Timmons

Choosing food is sometimes not a matter of what is practical or cheapest but rather what is normal of society. When I go to chipotle with my friends, I prefer to get steak in my burrito bowl. I order beef almost all the time when I go to chipotle. I feel like it is part of our social norm to eat out at small restaurants like chipotle rather than make food and eat at home. It is a social norm to go out to eat with friends rather than stay at home and make something. Even more so, eating is more important in society than socialize somewhere without eating. All of this goes to say that I eat at chipotle or somewhere else that has some good beef or steak because it seems to be the thing to do with my friends and family.
Choosing to eat out, specifically regarding chipotle can lead to some societal issues. Chipotle has good quality food but the amount of food they produce is growing even more. The more customers they receive the more beef or chicken the slaughter. This is not a bad thing until we take into account the video on gas emissions from earlier in the module as well as the E-coli outbreak. Since people constantly eat out with friends, the companies need to keep up with the demand which increases the amount of cattle therefore increasing methane production. The second issue is E-coli, which can be much easier spread when coming from a large food chain that receives many customers. It is not a terrible thing to go to a nice restaurant, but always doing so when you are with friends may increase your chances of getting one another sick as well as increasing methane production. My final point is the notion that perhaps eating at home would be a better social norm. If people ate at homes, they would be able to perhaps save energy in making the food as well as making a smaller amount because they do not have somebody making it for them. Lastly, it isolates them from society if there is a sickness going around.



2 thoughts on “Module 6: Social Norms and Food Choices Kara Timmons

  1. Hey Kara, its Rob. Link:…and-social-norms/

    I agree with your social norm. I live in a house with 9 other guys and though we all have our own kitchens, many usually go out to eat or order delivery. If they do decide to cook it is usually a quick meal a few times a week or a Sunday when they are recovering from the weekend and do not want to leave the house. I think that regarding the slaughtering and methane production we will have that regardless as people need to eat. E Coli seems to be becoming more and more of an issue.

  2. Hey kara! My name is Christianna. I definitely agree with you that eating out is a social norm especially in places like Penn State. When its just you and your friends it always seems like the best option to go out to a restaurant and socialize. The over use of beef is a huge issue in our society and going to places like chipotle where they serve lots of beef can certainly be looked at as a culprit. There have been tons of out breaks of E Coli, in fact I think there was something that just happened along those lines with Chipotle. Great job on your post! If you want to check out mine here’s the link

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