Hello GEOG 030! My name is Zoe Schulte and I am currently a freshman at Penn State Behrend in Erie, Pa.I currently live in New Jersey, but I consider Erie my hometown as I have lived here almost my whole life. My major is Early childhood education and I am also pursuing a minor in psychology. My dream is to travel abroad and be able to educate those who are less fortunate and living in countries that don’t have the proper foundations to have the type of education we are lucky to have. I am taking this course for a general education requirement, but one topic that interests me is the way humans impact our world and would like to continue expanding my knowledge on that topic!
As mentioned in my first paragraph, the one topic that interests me the most is human-environment interactions. Something that has had a lot of attention quite recently is global warming or climate change. This has been something that is very interesting to learn about because there are so many factors that go into why the world is being shaped the way it is, and how we as humans are doing so. It is very important to start bringing awareness to those who don’t know much about the decline of our worlds ecological systems and how our living styles can change the way they work or even eventually disappear. Seeing the photo in Module 1 of the drought in California was very impacting and its important to understand how that drought will start affecting the world around it.
Hello Zoe! Some of my friends went to Penn State Behrend and transferred to Main Campus so that was one of the things that interested me about your post. I totally agree that further education on what is causing climate change to those that are unaware will help solve part of the problem. I also agree that the drought photo in California was very devastating and upsetting. Hopefully as a society we will be able to move away from the actions that are causing climate change soon.
Here is a link to my post: http://geog030.dutton.psu.edu/2016/01/19/learning-activity-getting-to-know-you-6/