Mod 1: Geographical Perspectives

Hi everyone. My name is Bryan Cammon and I am a freshman at the University Park campus. I currently live in a dorm in East Halls. I am from Doylestown, Pennsylvania which is about an hour north of Philadelphia and 3 hours from state college. My intended major is kinesiology and I hope to later pursue a doctoral degree in physical therapy. I plan on becoming a physical therapist and work in the orthopedic field. I chose to take this course because I wanted to try an online class and have always been interested in smaller scale geography. This is my first geography class and I would like to know more about the field and its importance.

One environmental issue that interests me is the drought taking place in California. I have never experienced a drought before and did not really know the extent of its effects. This has negatively impacted the marine life in California while causing the land to become dry and prone to wildfires. While impacting the environment, this issue is also a human environment interaction. Those who live in California must deal with this water shortage and live with limits on how much water they can use. This also affects the economy of California because it has led to agricultural problems along with decreased tourism.

2 thoughts on “Mod 1: Geographical Perspectives

  1. Hi Bryan, my name is Cassie and this is the link to my blog: I find the kinesiology major really interesting and I think it’s great that you want to be a physical therapist. I think you’ll really enjoy web classes at Penn State. They’re a great way to develop your independent learning skills.
    I agree with you about the drought in California. It’s interesting to see the effects that has on so many other aspects of life. It affects the people that live there as well as the nature around it, which are both interconnected. Good luck this semester!

  2. Hi Bryan,
    My name is Sarah, and here is a linked to my blog:
    Welcome to the class! Doylestown is not far from where I live, and I have been there a handful of times. I hope you enjoy this web course; they are kinda my thing. They’re super easy if you stay motivated!
    I am also interested in the drought in California. I took a geography course last semester where we talked about it a lot, and it truly is amazing all the damage it has done to the land and for the people that live there.
    Good luck in class, hope to see you around campus sometime!

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