Getting to Know You: Alex Deebel

Hello, my name is Alex Deebel! I grew up in Hershey, PA, and have lived there since my family moved from Washington D.C. when I was 4 years old. I am a senior majoring in Finance with a minor in International Business. I will be moving to Philadelphia, PA after I graduate this spring to peruse a career in consulting with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). My International Business minor focuses a lot on sustainability and corporate social responsibility, so I thought GEOG 030 would provide a more scientific perspective to the topics. Sustainability is something that every company should be concerned with, as consumers tend to demand better and have higher standards for the businesses in their community. I don’t consider myself to be a sustainability expert by any means, but I enjoy learning about all the innovative ways we can protect the environment while businesses are still able to make a profit.

A topic I think geography is well suited to explore is corporate sustainability. I consider this topic to be very important and time sensitive, and fits well into the category of human impact on the environment. Consumers demanding more responsible actions from corporations is a quickly growing trend around the world. Many people look immediately to major manufacturers with large power plants and harmful chemicals to change their processes and decrease their pollution. While this is a good start, we shouldn’t forget about the major businesses that are not necessarily manufacturing physical goods. The services sector makes up a larger percentage of the economy than goods, so we need to focus our attention on their processes and effects on the environment also. Globalization has caused the demand for US services to significantly increase around the world. Stricter standards of more ethical environmental protection need to be introduced quickly. Examples could include reducing the number of people and/or the amount they travel to clients, or keeping electronic copes of reports instead of printing multiple copies.

2 thoughts on “Getting to Know You: Alex Deebel

  1. Hey Alex!
    My name is Dorish and I enjoyed reading your blog post. I think it is very important for those going into something business related to understand the effect of business on the environment, so I’m glad you recognize the need for sustainability! I absolutely agree that instead of just looking at manufacturers and how they are contributing a huge part to pollution, you suggested to look at major businesses and how they could do simple initiatives in order to cut their waste and be more sustainable. I believe that we all play a role in cutting down pollution, and that we can’t just depend on big manufacturers to do their duty, especially if we aren’t doing our own. This is a great blog post and I look forward to working with you in this class!
    – Dorish Nguyen

    Here is a link to my blog post if you’re interested in reading!

  2. Hi Alex!

    My names Alicia and I am also in the business school, but decided to go more towards supply chain side. I really enjoyed reading your post, and felt like it was something I could see myself saying as well, I guess business students think a lot alike! I really agree with your statements about how consumers are starting to demand more out of companies and are expecting business professionals to be more responsible in our business practices. One of my favorite things about Penn States business program is that they make us take classes such as BA 342 that get us thinking about these environmental and ethical questions before entering the work force so we can start being the change we want to see in business.

    This is the link to my blog where I also touched on sustainability and consumers.

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