Part 1:
For my case study I chose the article, Ethiopia: Ticking Clock on Ethiopia Drought, this particular case was retrieved from the AllAfrica- Sustainability link found on the webpage. The goals of development for this case study is to survive the drought that they are currently suffering from. This article discusses the outreach of the Ethiopian government to other nations for help and aid in this difficult time. The Ethiopian region is experiencing the worst drought they have had in 50 years. Other countries however have been reluctant to aid the country, who at the end of April will be entering their “hungry season” in which they are likely to face a loss of thousands of individuals. I find that this article relates to the module because it discusses how the wealthier and more developed countries where the environment not effecting so harshly are not coming to aid the “developing” county who is in dire need of their help.
Part 2:
For the second case study I chose “Rich/Poor Conflicts” which I was able to find via, In this case study the author discusses the conflict between the richer populations of society and the poorer populations. It discusses how the rich tend to not want to aid the poor in need so they are able to maintain there economic stature and not jeopardize their financial standing in the overall view of the richer society. This relates back to the idea of developed countries and people not aid the developing and growing people. This article refers more to the people themselves but I believe it can be easily applied to the “developed vs developing countries” idea. I also want to relate the idea of “end uses” to this article. I believe this idea is also connected because the idea of the growing and developing people or countries is to prosper which is the main concept behind end uses, to achieve the ultimate purpose of the production process.
Part 3:
I live in an area known as Bucks County, PA. Although it is not the most wealthy area in the country it does have a mixture of prospering populations as well as people in need. The area itself is in no way considered a poor region and on a larger scale would most likely be referred to as a “developed” region. In relation to the first article the county no where near the difficult financial state or need that the Ethiopian government is experiencing, but we are neighbored to the city of Philadelphia who often has areas struggling in times due to weather, lack of work, etc. The Ethiopian region is suffering due to drought conditions and some Philadelphia regions are sometimes suffering due to lack in work and are often not aided by wealthier regions. In relation the case study 2 my region in which I live often do not have large conflicts due to economic standing. Although their are definitely areas in which are not as well off as others the overall economic standing of the region is prosperous. Although when compared to other regions there is conflict in the spreading of wealth amongst residents.
I like how you talk about the relationship of developed and undeveloped nations, especially the reluctancy sometimes of developed countries to help. Developed countries may look at their development as a burden in this case as undeveloped countries constantly add them for aid but not offering anything in return. I think these developed countries need to look for positives though in helping undeveloped countries, especially neighboring ones as their development could benefit there own through trade, wealth, food, and other areas. In your case of bucks county helping philly people could reduce crime that spills over into neighboring counties.
Hi Madison!, I’m Eunice Lee majoring in Early Childhood Education. I thought your blog entry was interesting because you and I discussed about different concepts of development. I think your blog entry focused more towards the hierarchy in the country when mine was more about the improvement of health system in the country. Moreover, I thought you had a good analysis overall. It is terrible to hear that Ethiopia is having problems with drought. I could relate to the topic with my country, South Korea, because we had serious drought awhile ago. I also liked how your compared your home town and the two countries!
Thank you for sharing and this is my blog entry :
Hello Madison!
Good analysis about the rich and poor conflicts. Its terrible that so many people will perish due to the drought in Ethiopia. What has caused the drought, and what brings on the “hungry season?” The rich poor conflicts makes sense about not wanting to jeopordize their own populations health, but it is unfortunate that no one else is able to help out. I liked your comparison between the less fortunate parts of Philadelphia. Even though they are entirely different situations they have the same effects of the richer not wanting to help the poor. Good analysis overall.