The Influences of Social Norms- Julie Hetu

Coming from a small high school with only about fifty kids in my grade, it was very likely that we all followed the same trends and had similar interests. This became very apparent in the last year of high school especially when all of a sudden all the boys became obsessed with weightlifting and “getting swole”. This lead to that group of boys also becoming very interested in eating what is considered clean. They would bring in food in Tupperware that they heated up in the microwave everyday to ensure they were eating cleanly. Not long after this, almost everyone in my grade was bringing in healthier food to be heated up in the microwave. The social norm soon became that everyone in the grade should eat healthier and workout because fitness was what was desired at the time. This idea of nutrition is explained through this module especially in the Healthy Eating Pyramid. The boys in our class would often talk about getting in their proteins and vegetables for the day.

When looking at this change in the social norm for my high school, one obvious societal issue involves obesity. Through the module, we learned that about 5 million people are considered obese which is an alarming number in my opinion. Through eating healthy and using the proper nutrition, the kids in my class were using their food choice in order to avoid the chance of being obese. I also can agree with the idea that the social norm should be that proper nutrition and healthy food choice is needed. However, I believe it should be done in moderation. It is okay to eat delicious food as long as you are using the idea of moderation. Another small connection to a societal issue that was talked about in the Module was the amount of consumption of beef that is taken in by Americans. The boys in my class often strayed away from beef and focused more on chicken usually. The idea of consuming less beef could help the environment as a whole due to the fact that cows cause a lot of negative emission into the environment.

One thought on “The Influences of Social Norms- Julie Hetu

  1. Hey Julie! My name is Cassandra Oresko and I caught your post so similar in regards to guys from high school. The boys in my high school were also so interested in the idea of ‘getting swole’, so they always walked around with a gallon of water and ate nothing but grilled chicken. This was great for myself as an individual because I can relate to the idea of ‘eating clean’ so I didn’t feel like the odd one out. We contrasted on the idea of bringing bagged lunch to school to microwave, since the majority of the girls in my school didn’t see any positivity or benefit in ‘eating clean’, so they continued to eat the genetically modified lunches that the school cafeteria served. Keep focusing on your health because it will benefit your health in the long run; great post! Please check out my blog post if you have a chance!

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