Climate Diplomacy

1)cel5304_Climate Diplomacy


2) My diagram focuses on the major issue of climate change and the attempts of the Copenhagen accord and WikiLeaks cables to help trigger climate mitigation. Climate change is an issue for all nations, which is why the Copenhagen accord was created. We must reduce human activities that are causing excess greenhouse gases in order to reduce climate change. Unfortunately, not all nations view climate change as a priority issue due to their lack of money or resources. Most countries focus on what is most beneficial to their economy and therefore don’t concentrate on environmental issues. As a result, the US State department started bribing and spying on other countries in order to gain support. Some countries refused US aid because they didn’t want to take financial aid from the US only for political purposes. Saudi Arabia, the 2nd biggest oil producer, decided to accept US aid as long as their economy wouldn’t be comprised. The US aid within Saudi Arabia would cause a decrease in the amount of oil or fossil fuels used in efforts to reduce climate change. Similarly, poorer countries accepted the US aid because they overall needed assistance and money from an outside source. However, this is where the question of ethics comes into play. Is bribing other countries with money in order to support the US ethically correct? Or should we let these countries decide their course of action on their own? 116 nations are apart of this climate treaty showing that if we collectively take action, we can accomplish more. However, it is essential that we make sure the measures we are taking to achieve climate mitigation are ethical.

3) I believe it’s important to recognize that climate change is an ongoing issue, especially with our increased use of greenhouse gases. We are rapidly using up fossil fuels, which can’t be replaced. Overtime, this will lead to an unsustainable environment along with the loss of essential resources. I think it is imperative that the public knows what is happening within the world, especially when it could ultimately affect our own lives, from an anthropocentric point of view. Even though the leaking cables, as discussed in the article, informed everyone about the issues arising, there could have been a better way to update the public. The goal of the government is to create policies and regulations that benefit the people, therefore the people should have a say in what is happening around the world. The US initially had an altruistic, collective goal in mind by wanted all countries to reduce green house gases in order to achieve climate mitigation. However, the way the US approached this issue was wrong. It is not ethical to bride or threaten other countries into supporting certain views. Although climate change affects the entire world, it is important for countries to want to limit their use of greenhouse gases on their own or unless they specifically ask for help. Bribing only makes the US seem brash and immoral. Maybe if countries provide videos and statistics of what the future could look like with a depletion of fossil fuels then the public, along with other country climate leaders, would want to get involved with the accord and sustainability. From listening to each other, we can come up with collective ways to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases used, while also coming up with new innovative alternatives.

2 thoughts on “Climate Diplomacy

  1. Hey Caren, my name is Jason Brown. I found your post pretty interesting because you emphasized some of the same points that I looked at. Your diagram really links everything together well and is easy to follow. Also, I liked your point about how selfish countries get and I had the same point in my blog. I wrote about how countries must demonstrate more altruistic views in order to solve this issue. We must all work together to solve this issue because not one country alone can do all the work.

    Here’s the link to my blog if you want to check it out:

  2. Hello Caren, my name is William Graf and I found your post very interesting. I first looked at how you designed your diagram and compared it to my own. I like how your diagram clearly progresses from a “Climate Change issues” box to the final product of “Climate mitigation”. I also found it interesting in this post just how much politics and financial aid plays such a crucial role in climate change. It just shows how selfish some countries can be and their unwillingness to change for the greater good of the environment. I think our posts are somewhat similar, and if you would like to read it you can find it at the link below.

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