Climate Change Module 9…sme5313

geology systems diagram

There are many core ideas behind the systems diagram I created based on the article, WikiLeaks Cables Reveal How US Manipulated Climate Accord. To start out, my systems diagram shows that the main issue of greenhouse gas emissions begins the entire cycle of what happens. The increase of greenhouse gas emissions leads to a huge environmental problem of climate change, also known as global warming. Because of the escalation in climate change, the US negotiated a climate treaty with other countries, which caused the flow of billions of dollars to be redirected since the global economy was trying to be re-engineered into a low-carbon model. The climate treaty is called the Copenhagen accord plan; this accord is an unofficial document that emerged from the Copenhagen climate change summit in 2009. From this accord, the US sought out allying countries to agree to the accord; getting as many countries as possible to associate themselves with the accord would strongly boost the likelihood of it getting officially adopted. However, negotiating with the accord meant that that country needed to follow specific actions that would cut the levels of greenhouse gas emissions. While some countries negotiated with the accord with little persuading, there were still opposing countries. In order to try and get the opposing countries to support the accord, the US used money, spying, threats, and promises of aid. After using these tactics through cables of communication to get the opposing countries to negotiate, a total of 116 countries associated themselves with it, with 26 countries saying they intend too.

Since the boom in the Industrial Revolution began, humanity has been burning fossil fuels and changed the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The changes in the greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere are drastically causing changes to the global climate. Avoiding climate change is very difficult because there are many aspects that need to be put into this issue to make it eventually stop. Because of the massive scale of climate change, it is a very demanding collective action problem and it involves everyone in every country around the world. This is why the US developed the Copenhagen accord. In order to get this accord officially adopted, the US needed support from other countries. However, I believe that the US used immoral strategies to get countries to negotiate with the accord. Though, I do believe that it was a good thing these cables were leaked and made public so that citizens can see what is taking place. The US is a democracy and I believe each individual should have a say in how to get other countries to negotiate, instead of leaving it to the government to be sneaky. Also, since the accord was leaked, almost all citizens now have the knowledge of what is happening to our atmosphere and can help stop climate change. Taking responsible and ethical actions to halt greenhouse gas emissions in the US can show other countries it is possible, and will allow them to negotiate with the accord without being spied on or threatened. The longer greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere, the longer climate change will persist and worsen.

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About sme5313

Shelby Epstein is an inspired professional with a strong passion for building lasting relationships. Through 5 years of professional practice and involvement, Shelby grew many of her business expertise in communication, time management, and customer service. She aspires full-time employment in the field of Management Consulting where she is able to deliver engaging and measurable solutions to problems that occur. Patience is Shelby’s key attribute when working with others in a team. Great service overrides fast service. Shelby is able to take the time to truly figure out what the customer wants and gives them competent service. The more patient interactions Shelby has with others, the better she is able to understand their underlying problems and needs. Shelby has been a very active student within the Penn State Community. She is a member of the Kappa Delta sorority where she inspires women to gain confidence to achieve their dreams while taking philanthropic actions on campus and in the community. Shelby participates in sorority community service events that benefit the Prevent Child Abuse America organization and the Girls Scouts of the USA. Her passion and involvement with her sorority in THON, a student-run philanthropy event committed to enhancing the lives of children and families impacted by childhood cancer, assisted in raising a total of $90,000. Her mission is to inspire everyone around her to reach their full potential. Aside from Shelby’s professional career and involvement in school activities, Shelby enjoys traveling and meeting new people. After studying abroad for four months in Barcelona, Shelby aspires to continue visiting new places around the world!

2 thoughts on “Climate Change Module 9…sme5313

  1. Hey Shelby, my name is Ben Bishop and i am a freshman at University Park. I really liked your post because it is quite similar to mine actually. I agreed with your comments in the third paragraph because i also think it was immoral but some good might have come out of it. I would appreciate it if you checked mine out and told me what you thought!!

  2. Hi, My name is Sarah, and here is a link to my blog post:
    I really enjoyed reading your second paragraph and your ideas on how to make an impact in fixing the climate change. This is a very hard problem to fix because it will take the support of everyone on the planet, not just one country. I also agree with you that how the United States tried to get other countries to support the Accord was wrong. I think that the United States could have definitely gotten the support from other countries without using immoral practices. I also really like how you mentioned that with the leak of the cables, everyone was becoming aware of the real problem that climate change is. I think that while the leaking of the cables was not the best thing to happen, maybe it was the only way to get people involved with the real problem. Great post!

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