Module 6: Devin Walk

I’m a very picky eater. This makes it challenging to find places or even home cooked meals I actually would enjoy and eat. However, there are select fast-food places I do enjoy eating at, and I used to eat there on a somewhat regular basis, mainly because I knew what I would be fed at home wasn’t something I would like. I do become frustrated that no one in my home thinks of me when preparing meals. Please do not tell me to try new foods, I have tried foods and I just do not like them, that’s isn’t going to change. So I choose the fast-food because it’s something I know I will eat and it’s convenient for me.
The food choice in my above paragraph relates to the nutrition portion of this module. I know I am clearly not getting enough of the nutritional needs I need. I hate vegetables and fruit, so I know I’m really not getting the vitamins and minerals I need from them. I myself am not obese, I am at a lower weight for my height in fact, but eating fast food does lead to obesity if eaten on a more frequent occasion and in high amounts. I only eat it maybe once or twice a week. Obesity is also connected to industrialized agriculture, mainly in the systems that produce large quantities of grains. Those are high calorie crops which in turn lead to high calorie foods. Picky eaters aren’t a normal thing you encounter every day, but I have to admit that most restaurants do try to have a “wide range” of food, even if it’s similar food. They also have kids menus which are nice because most kids aren’t willing to try new foods so it’s convenient for them, and picky eaters. Module 6 Devin Walk

2 thoughts on “Module 6: Devin Walk

  1. Hey Devin! My name is Tawnya and I thought your post was very interesting. My parents were extremely strict growing up, and we basically provided for ourselves. We had a beautiful garden in our backyard and helped out at a local farm where acquired most of our meats, cheeses and vegetables. Adversely, I rarely ate fast food and if we weren’t happy with our meals, we were forced to eat them. When I was a child, I absolutely hated it, but now that I’m older, I am happy my parents were so strict or I wouldn’t enjoy the extensive, colorful diet I have today. I noticed you were indifferent about the nutritional value you are obtaining from fast foods. Do you think they ever alter the way you feel? I like how you are brutally honest, and not afraid to admit your way of life. My post was completely opposite than yours and If interested, check it out here:

  2. Hello! I’m Tom and your blog post was very interesting to me because my mom would probably kill me in my sleep if she caught me eating fast food instead of what she had prepared for dinner. As a kid, I also did not like vegetables. My mom told me I had to eat them, so I would always mix them into other foods on my plate. One of my least favorite veggies is peas, but I mixed them with mac and cheese or potatoes and it perfectly masked the flavor while giving me the nutrition that I need. I would highly recommend this course of action if you’re willing to give this a shot! Here is a link to my post:

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