Zoe Schulte – Water Usage Post

1-a Water Supply Chain
In my hometown, Erie, PA our water is sourced from the lake. It is then taken from the lake to the waterworks industry that filters it and clarifies it for drinking/its other uses. It is held there in different piping systems that are then directed to where it needs to go for use.If you don’t use a water well system, it is then sent through other piping systems that direct it to homes for use.After the water is used, it is drained and set to a sewage system.

1-b Daily Usage
1 shower- 30 gallons
Brush teeth- 2 gallons
Washing dishes by hand- 40 gallons
Washing hands-2 gallons
Flushing toilet- 15 gallons
Drank at least 6 glasses of water-50 ounces
Total= 89.40 gallons of water a day

1-c Living on Two Gallons of Water
Living on two gallons of water per day seems nearly impossible. When you put it into a visual perspective it makes it even harder to imagine how those in developing countries or anywhere where water is a restricted source can live efficiently. In my life it doesn’t seem as though anything could get done with using only two gallons of water. Necessities such as bathing and brushing your teeth have to be well thought out in order to use such a small amount of water.I cook everyday, drink many bottles of water, and take 1- 2 showers a day. In order to cut down on my water use I had to think about every move I made regarding water. When brushing my teeth I made it a priority to shut off of the water while brushing my teeth and only kept the faucet running when I really needed it on. Instead of taking up to 40 minute showers I cut that down to at most 20 minutes and also washed the dishes in smaller loads instead of washing over 30 dishes at once while leaving the faucet on the whole time. This experiment shows that it is almost impossible in my life to use only 2 gallons of water. Just showering uses more than 2 gallons even if I cut down my time by 20 minutes. This experiment was a failure to me because I do a lot of things through out my daily routine that I need water for.Geography matters to water use depending on many things. If the location is a desert, there will clearly not be as much water as there would be somewhere that has a lot of rainfall. It can also depend on the temperature of the region. If the location is warmer, often times the water can have more bacteria in it then colder water. Those that live in areas that are constantly warm could be using more contaminated water.

One thought on “Zoe Schulte – Water Usage Post

  1. Hello Zoe, the great lakes are great resources and in your case, a perfect example of how geography impacts water supply. I mentioned in my post, you don’t really realize how much water you actually use until you write it out. I know my total surprised me and I did not think I used much water at all but, compared to 2 gallons a day, I use quite a lot.

    If interested, here is a link to my post.

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